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Region for the Holy Margins, as a member region of Roman Catholic Womenpriest-USA, Inc. We maintain alliance with other feminist, faith-filled, non-profit organizations, who support and work on behalf of women in a variety of ways including:


Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (Water)

Women's Ordination Conference (WOC)


Women-Church Convergence



Our Commitment to
Social Justice

The Region for the Holy Margins recognizes that the movement for the ordination of women and peoples of all genders is based on the Holy Spirit's call  to all, not just men, and  it is also  more than being ordained.  


Ordination is one step in creating a renewed church and world where people of all genders and ethnicities are fully dignified. In our region this work includes focusing on anti-racism work, supporting immigrants, lifting up the rights of the LGBTQ advocacy and more.  






Peace Protest

Social Justice Resources

We have compiled a list of books, videos, websites and other resources for each topic below.  We hope that you find these resources helpful as you continue to deepen your knowledge and commitment to social justice work.  



Racial Justice and the Catholic Church.

By Bryan Massingale.


How to Be an Anti-Racist.

By: Ibram X Kendi. 


God of the Oppressed.

By: James Cone. 


The New Jim Crow.

By Michelle Alexander. 


See No Stanger. By: Valerie Kaur



Black Lives Matter


Black Catholic Messenger


National Black Women's Institute 


The Truth Telling Project



Decolonizing Christianity.

By: Miguel De La Torre. 


Alone and Exploited:Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. 

New York Times, 2/28/2023. 



The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Refugee and Immigrant Services


Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador


Families Belong Together



Gender Justice


New Ways Ministry


Dignity USA


The Trevor Project


Mary's Pence




A Home for All: A Catholic Call for LGBTQ Non-Discrimination. 

By: Francis DeBernardo and

Robert Shine



Reproductive Justice


Catholics for Choice


Religious Coalition for Reproductive Freedom


Holy Margins Responding to Dobbs Decision




Bodies on the Line. 

By: Laura Rankin

Trust Women

by Rebecca Tood Peters






"And what does God ask? To act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly." 

                Micah 6:8

Region for the Holy Margins
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